Apps: - New Language Learning Web Pluggin
If there is any language learning plugin you need to install this season ; this is it.‘s brand new Web app already as a user of the Google Chrome extension they’ve had out for a while now. is a free Web app that you can sync across any devices you may own, mobile or otherwise, and use in any browser via their cloud, in order to access the words you want to focus on instead of what someone else decided you needed to know.
How does it work?
As you go about your day, surfing Faceboook, checking out all of your news and media pages, perusing the links on your Twitter feed, reading the latest from Google, or anything else that comes across as vaguely interesting, you can click almost any word and find a translation.
That word then becomes a flashcard, automatically saved to your widget, that you can then study so that the next time you encounter that word you’ll be ready.
Even Better:, based on the cards you’ve selected and are working on, will then suggest articles written in the language(s) you’re learning that are appropriate to your comprehension level making this app great for both beginning language learners or veteran polyglots.
Did I mention it’s free?
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